Google Voice Search Not Working? 8 Easy Fixes to the Problem

9 min read If you are an android user then you must have used google voice search at least once in your life. I think we all like saying “ Hello Google” or “Hey Siri” to our mobile phones just for fun. Many peop... June 08, 2023 05:36 Google Voice Search Not Working? 8 Easy Fixes to the Problem

If you are an android user then you must have used google voice search at least once in your life. I think we all like saying “ Hello Google” or “Hey Siri” to our mobile phones just for fun. Many people actively use the voice search function to save time. However, sometimes the voice function doesn’t respond and you are stuck with finding the solution to make it work.

Don’t worry, we have top solutions and fixes for Google voice search not working. You can try out these tricks and we are sure that some of these tricks will be successful in your case. 

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Top Fixes for Google Voice Search not Working

Power cycling

The first thing that you should do for fixing Google voice search is power cycling. This step should be taken in the first place before any technical fixing. There can be chances where applications of all running apps of your phone conflict with each other. This can cause a disturbance in the power of your mobile. You can recycle the power of your apps by clearing all apps from your recent section. By this step, all running applications of your mobile phone as well as extra consumption of the battery of your phone will be stopped. This can fix the working of Google Voice search. 

Power Saving Mode

Power saving mode is available on all devices as well as Android phones. When you turn on power saving mode all applications that consume extra power are closed and processes running behind them also close. It is mainly done so that power is saved on your device so that it can run for a long time. But you might be unaware that if you turn on power saving mode then the process running behind Google Voice search also closes. So make sure your power saving mode is turned off when you want to use Google voice search. 

Backend Server Status

You should also check the service status of Google voice search as well as Google. If you are Google voice search is not working then it can be caused due to problems in the back server or it might be that your microphone is faulty. You can quickly rule out this issue by testing your mic on For the back server, you can check Twitter news or Reddit news to confirm the server status of the Google voice search. 

Internet Connection

One of the simple reasons yet ignored by many people for Google voice search not working is a weak internet connection. People do not notice that there is a disturbance in their internet connection. Make sure you check your internet connection and then test the Google voice search. If you think that your internet connection is perfect then try changing the connection or connecting with mobile data.

Correct Person

Make sure the correct person which is the operator of the phone is calling the Google voice search. Google voice search can only detect voice that has been saved in the database of an Android phone. Only the owner of the phone which has saved his voice for Google voice notes or voice search can call for it.

Active applications

Google voice search can be unresponsive if three applications are not active on your device or phone. These applications are voice match Google Assistant and Hey Google. It is necessary to turn on all these applications for Google voice search to work. You can turn on these applications easily by going into Google Assistant settings as well as the popular settings of Google Chrome. 

Hardware conditions

If all these settings are proper in your device and nothing works then this can mean only one thing. It means that there is an issue with your software speakers or phone speakers. Make sure you speak to Google when your microphone is on. Mute and unmuted again for better results.

Language Settings

Another reason why your Google voice search is not responding to your voice is due to a language change. There is a possibility that you have saved a different language in your Google device but you are speaking another language. Due to this Google voice search is unable to identify the language. You can easily change the language of Google voice search by going into the settings of Google. After that click on voice and choose a language that you want your Google voice search to identify. 


Q1. How do I turn my Google Voice Search back on?

Ans: You can turn on your Google voice search on your mobile phone by going to the settings of Chrome or Google. The option is present in the profile in the settings of Google.

Q2. How do I fix Voice Search?

Ans: You can fix the Google voice search by going into the settings of Google Assistant on your mobile phone.

Q3. Why is voice access not working?

Ans: It might not be working due to a weak internet connection or a different user or operator than usual.

Q4. How do I use Google Voice on Android?

Ans: You can use Google voice on android by downloading the app and signing up with your Google account or mobile number. 


Here are a few solutions for Google voice search that can make it work again. There can be many reasons for Google voice search not working. It can be temporary or permanent. It might be called due to a weak internet connection or destruction between applications of your phone. Once you know the reason behind the problem you can automatically fix it. 

So we have mentioned the problem as well as how to fix it. Now you know everything necessary to fix Google voice search. What are you waiting for? Fix it now!

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