Playstation Classic Games

Playstation Classic Games

Latest Version by Man Corps
(0 Reviews) May 14, 2023
Playstation Classic Games Playstation Classic Games

Latest Version

Latest Version
May 14, 2023
Man Corps
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477 MB
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Even at the near end of 2021, there exist some crazy gamers who search for the Playstation Classic Games Download process. In most cases, they fail! Because the official PlayStation Classic was not re...

Even at the near end of 2021, there exist some crazy gamers who search for the Playstation Classic Games Download process. In most cases, they fail! Because the official PlayStation Classic was not released targeting smartphone users.

Later on, the wind of technological advancement has been changed dramatically. And taking the opportunity of this, you can now play almost all the popular PlayStation classic games on your phone that you are holding with your hand to read this discussion!

Want to know the process? Then stick with the following words!

What Will You Need First?

Besides your beloved smartphone, you will need some basic components to complete the whole process of downloading and playing PlayStation Classic games on your smartphone. 

Let’s take a look at the components that you will need.

  • ePSXe: This is an android emulator that can allow you to navigate your game character while gaming
  • Astro File Manager: A decent quality file manager that is available on the Google Play Store
  • 7Zipper: You will need this thing to extract ZIP files that you are going to download
  • The BIOS file: This file is needed for activating your android emulator
  • The Game Files: These are the PlayStation 1 games (PlayStation Classic) that you want to play on your phone.

How to Download These Files for Free?

I know, some of these components are not free at all! You should lose some bucks to get those. But don’t worry.

I have put all the files in ZIP format. By clicking on the PlayStation Classic Games Download link,  you can download the ZIP file easily. Just click on the green-colored DOWNLOAD button!

But before that, please try to main the following things.

  • Keep at least 1.5 GB of free storage in your phone
  • Uninstall other android emulators (except ePSXe) from your phone (If you use one of these or more)
  • Don’t root your device before starting the installation process

What Is The Installation Process?

Now, here comes the important part. I will try to explain the whole process in a clean format. Maintaining the whole process sequentially is extremely important. So please don’t rush!

Without further ado, let’s get started!

  • Download the ZIP file first (As I have mentioned above)
  • Extract the file with a decent-quality file extractor. ZArchiver can be a great choice in this particular case
  • You will find five files after the extraction process ends
  • Two of these files will be in ZIP format (BIOS file and the game file)
  • Extract these ZIP files as well
  • Now install the ePSXe, Astro File Manager, 7Zipper accordingly
  • Now open the Astro File Manager
  • Go to the download option from the home screen of the file manager
  • Create a folder named PS1
  • Copy the tekken_3.bin file (that you extracted a little before) and paste it to the PS1 folder
  • Now open the ePSXe app 
  • Click on the Run BIOS option
  • After a while, you will notice the PlayStation animation appears on your phone screen
  • Now exit from the option
  • Click on the Run Game option
  • You will see the Tekken 3 games icon
  • Click on the icon and enjoy playing!

NB: In the whole discussion, I showed the process by what you can play only Tekken 3. If you want to play the other popular games, you can use the PlayStation store or search on Google to get your desired one. The procedure is exactly the same as I have explained above. You just have to put your desired game files in the PS1 folder.

Ending Note

I believe, I have explained the whole process of the PlayStation Classic Games Download and installing process. And there is no chance to fail! This process works on almost all android versions. So, follow the process carefully, install the app and enjoy PlayStation classic on your android smartphone!

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